
Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage: GS-EES

The GS-EES supports doctoral researchers doing their PhD in the field of electrochemical energy storage at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Ulm University, Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) and Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)

Interdisciplinary Field of Electrochemical Energy Storage

Electrochemical energy storage is an interdisciplinary field including a number of disciplines from science and engineering such as theoretical or experimental electrochemistry, materials science, organic and inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, surface science, physics, mechanical engineering, production engineering. Many of the research projects of our members are organized as a collaboration of experts from different disciplines. Thus, pursuing a PhD thesis in the field of electrochemical energy storage requires a broad common understanding and knowledge of the fundamentals in various of these disciplines.

The Graduate School addresses the full, community-spanning spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion, from fundamental science to processing and application, offers a comprehensive education and training program in these areas, emphasizing interdisciplinary aspects.


Professional Skills

Next to the knowledge about the scientific topic itself, a set of additional skills is required to successfully pursue a doctorate and to be prepared for the future career. These can be summarized as professional skills, among them the fields of (scientific) communication and management. To ensure high quality and the integrity of scientific research a special focus is on good scientific practice and research ethics. Furthermore, considering the diversity among researchers, it is particularly important to advocate that everyone is offered equal opportunities.

Thus, the graduate school is committed to offer professional skills training with an emphasis on good scientific practice / research ethics and equal opportunities / diversity / mentorship.