Professional Skills Training


The Professional Skills Training of the GS-EES aims at additional skills that are not directly related to electrochemical energy storage, but which are essential for scientists and engineers during their doctorate and in preparation for their future career in science or industry.

A certain total number of credits is mandatory including a minimum for the categories “Good Scientific Practice / Research Ethics” and “Equal Opportunities / Diversity / Mentorship”. Besides that, the Professional Skills Training can be tailored individually to the needs and interests of every GS-EES member.

The Professional Skills Training of the GS-EES is organised in the four categories “Communication”, “Management”, “Good Scientific Practice / Research Ethics” and “Equal Opportunities / Diversity / Mentorship”.



Communication is a major task in science and relevant for all doctoral researchers since research results are rather useless if they are not known by others. Communicating in science ranges from writing articles in scientific journals, presenting talks and posters at conferences or meetings to informing the public and at least a PhD thesis has eventually to be written by everyone.

Courses in this category include academic writing, preparing posters and presentation slides as well as voice training to name a few.



A PhD thesis can be considered as a project and many third party funded research activities are organized as projects as well. In addition, many doctoral researchers have more tasks than just doing their own research, e.g. they are supervising the research of bachelor and master students. Thus, management skills are useful already during the doctorate.

Management skills often become even more important for the future career in academia and especially in industry.

Courses in this category range from time- and self-management to project management.

Icon symboling Good Scientific Practice

Good Scientific Practice / Research Ethics

Obeying the rules of Good Scientific Practice is an absolute must for each scientist. But what exactly are those rules, what are the responsibilities of a doctoral researcher, which conflicts can one encounter during a doctorate and how should one react when noticing violations of those rules? Answers to these and other related questions can be found in Good Scientific Practice / Research Ethics courses.

Research Data Management

Another important issue to perform reliable research is Research Data Management (RDM). Thus, RDM courses are also categorized as Good Scientific Practice in the GS-EES Qualification Program. Teaching of RDM in the GS-EES goes beyond the aim to comply with guidelines for safeguarding good research practice. In close collaboration with the RDM activities of the Cluster of Excellence POLiS we also seek to unlock additional scientific value through systematic data handling and widespread data reuse across our research community. We offer workshops instructing how to make best use of Kadi4Mat, which is developed at KIT and integrates an electronic lab notebook (ELN), a robust repository, and advanced data analysis tools.

Icon symboling Diversity and Mentoring

Equal Opportunities / Diversity / Mentorship

The group of doctoral researchers is diverse in terms of gender, social and cultural background, nationality, etc.. Courses in the category Equal Opportunities / Diversity / Mentorship aim at supporting and empowering each individual doctoral researcher during their doctorate and to prepare steps for the future career. In addition, we aim at improving the collaboration between the diverse group of scientists.

Courses include intercultural trainings, workshops on unconscious biases, workshops on career planning and application processes and more.

To emphasize the importance of this category, the GS-EES Qualification Program demands to gather a minimum of 1 credit point.

How & where to find courses

The GS-EES offers specific workshops covering all categories of the Professional Skills Training. A focus is on those categories which require mandatory credits, i.e. Good Scientific Practice / Research Ethics and Equal Opportunities / Diversity / Mentorship.

In addition, a broad variety of courses is offered by the respective institutions of our home universities responsible for supporting and promoting young researchers. These are

  • the Graduate & Professional Training Center (ProTrainU) at Ulm University
  • the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • the Giessen Graduate Center for Natural Sciences and Psychology (GGN) at Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU)


Participation in such courses is credited towards the GS-EES Qualification Program.

Upcoming workshops

Communication (academic writing, presenting, etc.)

Thu, October 23, 2025

Public speaking – Kommunikation in öffentlichen Sprechsituationen

Erfolgreiche Wissenschaft entsteht nie im stillen Kämmerlein – und heute weniger denn je. Zusätzlich zu den „Klassikern“ wie Vorstellungsgespräch, Lehre, Vortrag und Konferenz können öffentliche Formate kommen wie z. B. Podiumsgespräche, Pressekontakte, Expertenstatements, Talkshows, Moderationen, Führungen, Werbeauftritte für Fundraising, etc. Das alles sind Top-Gelegenheiten, um auf sich aufmerksam zu machen und als Persönlichkeit sichtbar zu werden. In diesem Workshop spielen wir vier solcher Formate in nachgestellten Settings ganz praktisch durch. Dabei geht es um drei Dinge: das Managen der räumlichen Situation, die kommunikativen Aspekte und eine wirkungsvolle Selbstdarstellung. Ziel ist es, professionell aufzutreten und sich gleichzeitig von Perfektionismus zu lösen. Dieser Workshop ist ein geschützter Rahmen, um einmal Dinge auszuprobieren, die man sich ohne Probe sonst vielleicht nicht zutrauen würde. Der Anteil des praktischen Trainings ist ca. 80 Prozent.
Mon, September 29, 2025

Thesis Defence Training

The last big milestone in a PhD is the oral defense of the dissertation, which brings particular challenges in communication. This workshop is aimed at doctoral candidates, who want to engage in intensive preparation for their disputation. Based on the individual experiences of the participants, presentation techniques and defense strategies are developed in the workshop. This includes appropriately interpreting scientific study results during the course of the disputation as well as adequately reacting to possibly critical questions in response. Strategies for convincing argumentative as well as rhetorical positioning during the disputation are conveyed. The PhD candidates actively implement these in the most important part of the workshop – the disputation simulations. If required, managing stage fright and nervousness can also be addressed.
Mon, September 29, 2025

Busting Jargon. Tactics for Comprehensible Communication in Science

As a scientist, you regularly communicate your expertise to various audiences – not only to people from within your scientific community but also to collaborators from different fields, grant bodies, students, the general public. When writing for or speaking to others, however, you must overcome multiple obstacles for your message to be understood, such as peoples’ short attention span, differences in prior knowledge and ignorance about your technical language. If you do not design your communication with these barriers in mind, your ideas are unlikely to reach your intended audience.
Tue, September 23, 2025


Für Forschende wird es immer wichtiger, ihre Themen überzeugend und verständlich kommunizieren zu können und diese gut zu präsentieren. Häufig stehen ihnen dabei nur wenige Minuten zur Verfügung, wie beispielsweise beim Postervortrag auf einem Fachkongress oder einem Tag der offenen Tür. Dabei gilt es, das eigene Forschungsthema möglichst prägnant und verständlich zu vermitteln. Dabei reicht die Spannweite vom fachlichen Vortrag im Kolleg:innenkreis bis zur pointierten Formulierung für Entscheidungsträger:innen.
Mon, June 02, 2025

Scientific Writing. What Makes a Good Paper and How to Write It

Publications of research results is the currency in modern science. It might not be your favourite occupation, but it is a decisive one, strongly determining your future research and career opportunities. In this course, you will be introduced to the process of writing a scientific paper. In order to deepen and apply this knowledge, you will also actually produce a manuscript based on your research data (and one that might serve as the foundation for a journal submission). Questions about other forms of text like conference papers can also be discussed.
Tue, May 27, 2025

Science Pitch & Storytelling

Communicating is key! You are used to doing science talks at conferences. What if you could present the essence of your work to non-experts in only ninety seconds and convince them of the impact of your work on industry and society? In your future career, you often need to break down the content of your complex research projects and condense them with the aim of presenting them in a concise and convincing way.
Tue, May 20, 2025

Conference Presentation Training. Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

For young scientists, it is a regular and important task to present their work to others. At the same time, however, to persuasively communicate one’s ideas to colleagues or decision-making bodies is often considered challenging. Yet, being a good speaker is often just question of developing a set of skills and techniques such as the use of voice and body language, an effective presentation structure and the dynamic use of language.
Thu, April 03, 2025

Scientist Need More! Next Level Scientific Writing using AI Assistants

This interactive workshop introduces researchers to the transformative potential of large language models (LLMs) in scientific writing. Participants will learn how to leverage LLM assistants to objectify literature reviews, brainstorm research ideas, and increase the quality of their writing process for manuscripts and grant applications with feedback through external perspectives. The workshop will cover the ethical use of LLMs in research, potential pitfalls and limitations. Through hands-on exercises, participants will gain practical experience.
Wed, April 02, 2025

Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (Schwerpunkt Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften)

Ziel der Workshops ist es, den Teilnehmenden Hinweise und Anregung für ihr wissenschaftliches Schreibprojekt (z. B. die Dissertation) zu geben. Dafür werden die Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens bewusst gemacht und Tipps und Hinweise gegeben, um den Schreibprozess zu unterstützen und zu beschleunigen. Der fachliche Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Natur- und Ingenieurswissenschaften, insbesondere bei Umgang und Auswahl von Texten, Quellen, Literatur etc.
Mon, March 17, 2025

Workshop Souverän auftreten, effektiv kommunizieren

Als Nachwuchsforschende wird von Ihnen in erster Linie erwartet, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu befördern. Dabei ist es eine Sache, die Forschungsergebnisse mit dem nötigen fachlichen Handwerkszeug zu erzielen; eine ganz andere Sache ist es jedoch, die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und die eigene Forscherpersönlichkeit auch überzeugend und souverän nach außen hin zu vertreten. Genau darauf kommt es jedoch in vielen Situationen auch an. Sowohl innerhalb der Wissenschaft, wie auch für zukünftige Positionen außerhalb der Wissenschaft kann dieser zweite Aspekt ein Erfolgsfaktor für die Karriere sein.
Thu, March 13, 2025

From a research idea to a research proposal

Working out your own research idea and finding funding opportunities? Obtaining third-party funding is becoming increasingly important for researchers. Especially upcoming scientists in the qualification phase (Doc/Post-Doc) are increasingly dependent on the possibilities of financing research projects – from small project frameworks to extensive and international style. In this context, the organization of a smaller research project or the attendance of an international event can already be subsidized by third-party funds during the doctoral period. In this seminar a theoretical-practical arch will be established. First, the participants will get an overview of the most important types of third-party funding as well as basic application knowledge, then they will try to work out a research idea themselves in small groups.


Wed, March 19, 2025

Getting Started. Managing Your Dissertation Project Successfully

Writing a doctoral thesis is very challenging. But if you take a smart approach early on, you are likely to reach your objectives faster and achieve superior results. This workshop focuses on the critical elements for a successful doctoral journey: Which mindsets, tools, and processes make a real difference on the way to a PhD? We concentrate on three areas: The efficient organization of tasks and notes, the productive communication with supervisors and the research community, and the structured reading and writing of academic papers. In each area, we will reflect on effective mindsets, tools, and workflows. The goal is for each participant to take away at least three specific ideas on how to substantially improve their own approach.
Thu, March 27, 2025

Workshop: From Research to Impact: Unlock the Economic and Social Potential of Your Work

As researchers, we aim to create impact—not only within our scientific community but also by tackling real-world challenges. But have you ever explored the full potential of your research? Could it shape policy decisions, drive innovation, lead to new products or services, or even form the foundation of a startup?
Mon, May 05, 2025

Basics of Project Management

Project management is a key competence - both for future tasks outside academia and for the day-to-day work of researchers. Projects succeed when professional expertise is combined with solid management and self-management skills. This workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to the core principles of project management and is designed for doctoral researchers and postdocs with no previous knowledge.
Thu, June 05, 2025

Agile Project Management

Agile project management allows running projects in changing and uncertain environments. Originally developed in the IT sector, agile project management is now widely used across various fields to respond flexibly and effectively to evolving conditions.
Mon, July 14, 2025

Grundlagen des Projektmanagements

Projektmanagement ist eine Schlüsselkompetenz – sowohl für zukünftige Aufgaben außerhalb der Wissenschaft, als auch für den Arbeitsalltag von Forschenden. Projekte gelingen, wenn fachliches Können mit soliden Management- und Selbstführungskompetenzen kombiniert wird.
Thu, October 09, 2025

Getting Started. Die Promotion als Projekt

Der Weg zur Doktorarbeit steckt voller Herausforderungen. Doch wer sich von Anfang an eine kluge Herangehensweise überlegt, erreicht schneller seine Ziele und erhält bessere Ergebnisse. Der Workshop konzentriert sich auf die zentralen Stellschrauben für eine erfolgreiche Promotion: Welche Mindsets, Werkzeuge und Arbeitsprozesse machen einen echten Unterschied auf dem Weg zur Promotion? Dabei fokussieren wir uns auf drei Schlüsselbereiche für eine erfolgreiche Dissertation: Die effiziente Organisation von Aufgaben und Notizen, den produktiven Austausch mit der Forschungsgemeinschaft sowie das strukturierte Lesen und Verfassen von Texten. Für jeden Bereich reflektieren wir effektive Mindsets, Werkzeuge und Arbeitsabläufe. Ziel ist, dass jeder Teilnehmende mindestens drei Ideen mitnimmt, wie er/sie die eigene Herangehensweise substanziell verbessern kann.
Wed, October 15, 2025

Workshop Strategies for a Successful Self and Time-Management

Young scientists like you often face an onslaught of daily challenges like teaching, research projects or administrative tasks. Given that academics are also often expected to be flexible and constantly available, it is only natural that you feel at times overwhelmed. Moreover, those many last-minute, short-term assignments often take precedence and can keep you distracted from more important, long-term goals and ambitions as well as your personal interests.
Wed, November 12, 2025

Projektmanagement in der Industrie

Ganz gleich, in welcher Branche Sie sich nach Ihrer Promotion etablieren: Ohne Projektmanagement geht es in der Regel nicht. Ob als Freiberufler oder als leitende Mitarbeiterin in großen Konzernen: wesentliche Teile der Arbeit werden oftmals als Projekt geplant und durchgeführt.
Tue, December 02, 2025

Making decisions under uncertainty

Often, you have to make decisions during your projects based on limited information and in situations of uncertainty. Whether it is about keeping or killing a project, or deciding on resources or partners, you need a decision strategy and clear communication skills. And you have to be very clear about what your personal biases could be. In this interdisciplinary workshop, your own experience will be enriched by novel tools and guidelines for becoming a professional decision-taker.
Tue, March 10, 2026

Ideas on Demand. How to Solve Problems More Creatively

Whether developing a research project or implementing one, problem-solving is the researcher’s daily business. However, finding solutions to problems – irrespective of whether they are of conceptual or practical nature, whether they are big or small – can be time-consuming and feel frustrating, particularly once you encountered a mental block or seem to have exhausted the range of conceivable options.

Good Scientific Practice

Fri, May 16, 2025

Ethics in the Lab. A Workshop on Scientific Misconduct and How to Avoid it

What is the relation between good and successful research, on the one hand, and ethical and responsible research, on the other hand? This workshop focuses on typical conflicts that particularly early career researchers may face in the context of a publish-or-perish culture: Is it okay for me to ignore and leave out statistical “outliers” when presenting my research data in case they impact the overall results more than I would like? Is such data “massaging” already scientific misconduct? How transparent must research practice be, when at the same time one has to succeed in the competitive world of scientific research? How to respond when you notice academic misconduct by a colleague? How should you handle problematic expectations of your supervisor?
Thu, October 23, 2025

Good Research Practice (incl. Generative AI)

Researchers are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct complies with the standards of good research practice. The workshop will introduce basic issues of research integrity by addressing important guidelines of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and specific regulations of KIT for safeguarding good research practice – relevant for every early career researcher@KIT.

Research Data Management

Workshop "Introduction to Research Data Management"

The responsible and far-sighted handling of digital research data is becoming increasingly important. Management, storage, exchange and access to large amounts of data, including the corresponding metadata, is challenging.
In this workshop, researchers learn in a first block basic skills to handle their research data safely and sustainably. Ways to publish and re-use research data are discussed. The new “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice”, published by the DFG, are addressed in the context of research data.
In a second block, the functionalities of the data exchange and analysis platform Kadi4Mat will be discussed on the basis of the Kadi4Mat web interface. Using examples, the researchers learn how to collaboratively work on a common description of research data and how to document, manage and share their own research data.

There are several workshops on RDM offered throughout the year. Please refer to the Upcoming Events section for upcoming workshops.

Due to the significance of Research Data Management in POLiS, participation in RDM workshops is mandatory for all doctoral researchers funded by POLiS!

0.5 CPs within "Good scientific practice / Research ethics" will be accounted for the participation.


Workshop "Advanced Research Data Management: Kadi-apy and Workflows"

Automated data processing allows data sets to be processed in a faster, more reliable, and reproducible manner, making a significant contribution to the generation of FAIR research data. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use command line tools for automated data processing.

In a first step the basic concept of Kadi4Mat is reviewed. In a next step, the software package kadi-apy is introduced, with which it is possible to communicate with the Kadi4Mat database via its programmatic interface. Possibilities to import and to export data will be discussed. In addition, the concept of workflows is explained using examples and exercises for the participants.

There are several workshops on Advanced Research Data Management offered throughout the year. Please refer to the Upcoming Events section for upcoming workshops.

0.5 CPs within "Good scientific practice / Research ethics" will be accounted for the participation in combination with the completion and submission of an exercise with an own data set.

Equal Opportunities / Diversity / Mentorship

Tue, February 25, 2025

Persönliche Standortbestimmung zur Karriereorientierung. Was kann ich und wo will ich hin?

Im Rahmen einer persönlichen Standortbestimmung nehmen Sie sich Zeit, Ihre aktuelle berufliche und private Situation bewusst zu reflektieren. Sie befassen sich dabei mit Ihren persönlichen Zielen und Wünschen und leiten daraus konkrete Schritte für Ihre weitere Karriere- und Kompetenzentwicklung ab. Was habe ich bereits erreicht? Welche Kompetenzen zeichnen mich besonders aus? Worin liegen meine Stärken? Was ist mir wichtig? Wie stelle ich mir eine gelingende Zukunft vor?
Thu, March 20, 2025

From a successful job application to the job interview

The participants have already been informed about professional perspectives outside academia and have reflected their own suitability for different career paths. 0.5 days Online-Live-Workshop dedicated to written documents are followed by homework (workload 2 – 3 hours) that needs to be done in preparation of the 1-day Face-to-Face-Workshop dedicated to the oral application (interview).
Fri, May 09, 2025

Stressmanagement. Gelassener durch den Wissenschaftsalltag

Stressmanagement ist heutzutage eine wichtige Kompetenz, um gesund und ausgeglichen die vielfältigen beruflichen und privaten Aufgaben und Anforderungen zu bewältigen. Vielleicht fühlen Sie sich manchmal erschöpft oder angespannt und möchten gelassener durch die Promotion oder die Postdoc-Phase und Ihr Forschungsprojekt gehen – oder wollen einfach nur potentiellen Stressbelastungen vorbeugen. Um gestärkt durch den Wissenschaftsalltag zu gehen, sind neben fachlicher Expertise und hoher Motivation auch eine gewisse Stressresistenz, ein gutes Selbstmanagement und ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Anspannung und Entspannung wichtig. Dieser Workshop bietet Ihnen ein abwechslungsreiches Angebot aus Informationen, Selbstreflexionen und praktischen Übungen für ein erfolgreiches Stressmanagement.
Fri, July 04, 2025

Stressfragen, Brainteaser und Logiktests im Jobinterview erkennen und knacken

Im Seminar lernen die Teilnehmenden, worauf es in Stressinterviews ankommt. In einer Spiegelungsübung erhalten sie zunächst konkretes Feedback dazu, wie stressresistent sie wahrgenommen werden. Anschließend wird der Ablauf eines Jobinterviews erläutert, gefolgt von der Behandlung verschiedener Arten und Ziele von Stressfragen in Bewerbungsgesprächen, einschließlich Schlagfertigkeitstechniken. Ergänzend werden Ziele und mögliche Antworten auf die „Schwächefrage“ besprochen. Zudem werden unterschiedliche Arten von Logiktests sowie das „Out-of-the-Box“-Denken erläutert, durchgeführt und reflektiert.
Fri, July 04, 2025

Basics of Leadership

As a young researcher, you often take on leadership tasks for the first time – in your current position or in the course of your next career step. Being new to a leadership role can be challenging in itself while experiences might differ in terms of gender and personality. This workshop will support you as a young leader to build a good understanding of what it means to establish a successful leadership style. Motivation, flexibility and transparency regarding communication and delegation are key factors to meet the demands of your role as a leader. An awareness of your inner attitude, self-reflection and a conscious development of your role with its various conditions help to create value in a positive and sustainable manner.
Fri, July 04, 2025

Personal Roadmap for Career Orientation. What Skills Do I Have and Where Do I Want to Go?

As part of a personal roadmap, you have the opportunity to consciously reflect on your current professional and private situation. You will look at your personal goals and wishes and derive concrete steps for your further career and skills development. What have I already achieved? What skills particularly characterize me? What are my strengths? What is important to me? How do I visualize a successful future?
Tue, July 15, 2025

Beneficial collaboration & communication – an exciting challenge in everyday madness

Collaboration and communication are inextricably linked. Yes, of course. Vigorous nodding on all sides. We all realize that it is necessary to communicate with people, to pass on information, to give and receive feedback, to be clear about your own intentions in a conversation, but also to be empathetic with the other person. However, reality shows us that although the need for this is crystal clear and self-evident, it is not always so easy to implement it successfully in the everyday madness of stress and pressure with different needs, expectations, goals and interests.
Fri, July 25, 2025

Umgang mit Kritik und Widerständen

2 Perspektiven beleuchten: Ich und die Anderen: Wann und wodurch fühle ich mich kritisiert? Wann gehe ich in den inneren (und äusseren) Widerstand? Wie kann ich damit besser umgehen? Wie gehe ich mit dem Widerstand der Anderen um, der mir begegnet? Was löst das in mir aus? Wie kann ich damit umgehen? Wie für mich wichtiges erreichen? In welcher Rolle bin ich? Wie kann ich mich situationsangemessen verhalten?
Thu, September 18, 2025

Performing under Pressure

Presenting oneself and one’s work can be stressful, especially in high-pressure academic environments. In addition, academics often face challenges such as navigating criticism, managing mixed expectations, and combating a lack of confidence or support. Imposter syndrome and self-doubt can further intensify these pressures. This workshop uses theater techniques and transformational coaching exercises to help participants explore and redefine their professional roles, take ownership of their expertise, and transform stress into motivation.
Thu, November 06, 2025

Zielgerichtet bewerben. Systematisch zum Erfolg im Bewerbungsprozess

Eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung ist mehr als nur eine Formalität – sie ist Ihre Visitenkarte auf dem Weg zu Ihrem nächsten Karriereschritt und Ihre Chance, sich selbst, Ihre Kompetenzen und Ihre Stärken überzeugend darzustellen. Ob Sie in der Wissenschaft bleiben oder in die Wirtschaft wechseln möchten, jede Bewerbung erfordert eine strategische Herangehensweise und ein klares Verständnis der Anforderungen. In diesem Workshop erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Unterlagen und Ihre Selbstpräsentation gezielt auf Ihre Karriereziele abstimmen, um im Bewerbungsprozess zu überzeugen.
Thu, November 20, 2025

"Was kann ich? - Was will ich?" - Wege zur Profilschärfung und Karriereorientierung

Die eigenen Kompetenzen erkennen und beschreiben zu können, ist ein wichtiger Schritt im Prozess einer gelungenen Karriereentwicklung. Um herausfinden zu können, welche Karriereziele zu Ihnen passen, benötigen Sie das Wissen über Ihre fachlichen und überfachlichen Qualifikationen und Fähigkeiten sowie die Erkenntnis darüber, welche Aspekte und Rahmenbedingungen Ihnen in Ihrem beruflichen Umfeld und bei Ihrem Aufgabenspektrum besonders wichtig sind. Mit bewährten Methoden aus der Karriereberatung erarbeiten Sie Ihr persönliches Kompetenzprofil. In Einzel-, Partner- und Gruppenarbeiten schärfen Sie Ihr Profil und erhalten interdisziplinäres sowie fachliches Feedback für die Gestaltung möglicher weiterer Karriereschritte.