
Qualification Program

Electrochemical energy storage is an interdisciplinary field including a number of disciplines from science and engineering such as theoretical or experimental electrochemistry, materials science, organic and inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, surface science, physics, mechanical engineering, production engineering. Many of the research projects are organized as a collaboration of experts from different fields. This requires a broad common understanding and knowledge of the fundamentals in various of these disciplines.

The GS-EES Qualification Program is designed in a way that it can be completed in three years in parallel to the research for the PhD thesis.

The concept of the Qualification Program is to teach both scientific skills and professional skills which are beneficial for pursing a doctorate in the field of electrochemical energy storage and prepare for a future career in academia or industry.


The Core Program with the Block Course (5 Credit Points), two participations in the Summer School (6 CPs) and Research Abroad is similar for all GS-EES members. In contrast, Scientific Training and Professional Skills Training can be summarized as Electives (15 CPs) which can be tailored to the individual needs and interests of each doctoral researcher within some boundary conditions:

Within Scientific Training at least 9 CPs have to be collected, at least 3 of those by attending seminars and at least 3 for attending a lecture which can be related to electrochemical energy storage or for teaching (e.g. tutor in a lab course or tutor for exercise sheets).

Within Professional Skills Training at least 3 CPs have to be collected. Highlighting the importance of “Good Scientific Practice / Research Ethics” and for “Equal Opportunities / Diversity / Mentorship” it is mandatory to gain a minimum of 1 CP for each of these two.

With a minimum of 9 CPs for Scientific Training and a minimum of 3 CP for Professional Skills Training 3 more CPs can be freely attributed to any category to fulfil the requirement of gathering 15 CPs in total.


The following table summarizes the minimum credit points required in the respective categories:


Credit Points

Mandatory Program


Block Course “Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries”


2 x Summer School organized by POLiS and GS-EES (3CPs each)






Scientific Training


Topical Workshops


Seminars (1 CP per semester / 12 seminars)


Lectures (attending lectures or teaching)


Professional Skills Training






Good Scientific Practice / Research Ethics


Equal Opportunities / Diversity / Mentoring