Industry / Transfer

In close collaboration with the technology transfer activities of the POLiS cluster of excellence and CELEST, the GS-EES offers a number of formats and activities, in order to prepare the GS-EES members for a possible career in industry and to transfer knowledge between industrial and academic research.


Research stays

Part of the GS-EES qualification program are research stays abroad for three months. These are not restricted to universities or research institutes but can also be done at companies.


On-site visits

Visits at the research and / or production facilities of industrial partners allow the doctoral researchers to get first hand insights into the world beyond academic research. Vice versa we also invite researchers from industry to visit our labs.



We organize workshops that bring together experts from academia and industry to promote networking and knowledge exchange. Examples are “Energy Science 2 Business” and “New Generation- Batteries and Talents”.



In our monthly seminar series we regularly invite speakers form industry to keep track of the research and developments in battery application. Question and answer sessions especially for the doctoral researchers offer the opportunity to not only discuss the presentation but also to ask the speakers more personal quesitions, e.g. about their carrer ways into industry.