Events & Seminars

Events & Seminars

Throughout the year, members of the Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage (GS-EES) can participate in a number of events and seminars. Whilst some events are organized exclusively for the GS-EES, there are also a number of happenings open for external participants or external events that are useful for doctoral researchers. 

In addition to the Block Course and the Summer School, which are happening yearly, additional seminars such as the POLiS Seminar, HIU Seminar or GDCh Seminars are open to attend. 


Upcoming Events

30 Sep 2024 | Workshop "Knowledge & Technology Transfer"

Workshop "Knowledge & Technology Transfer" 
30th September 2024, Karlsruhe

As part of the POLiS Technology Transfer, we invite you together with KIT Innovation and Relations Management to a knowledge and technology transfer workshop at the Karlsruher Research Factory on 30th September 2024 from 1pm to 3:30pm. Please register by 13th September 2024.

The agenda features the following:

  • Technology Transfer at KIT
  • Tasks and Structures of KIT Innovation and Relations Management (IRM)
  • Ways of working with third parties
  • IP Management
  • Support for technology transfer
  • Questions & Discussion

15 Oct 2024 | Industry Visit Leclanché Energy Storage Solution

Industry Visit | Leclanché Energy Storage Solutions
15th October 2024, Willstätt

POLiS Technology Transfer is organizing an industry tvisit to the battery manufacturer Leclanché in Willstätt on 15th October 2024. Secure one of the limited spaces and take the opportunity to get exciting insights into current R&D activities as well as a guided tour of the battery cell production line. This visit gives researchers exciting insights into industrial R&D activities and innovative production facilities, which promotes the transfer of knowledge from scientific research to industry.

The program features the following:

12:45pm Arrival at Industriepark Willstätt and registration

1:00pm Introduction Leclanché

1:30pm Guided tour of cell production, mixing – formation

3:30pm Final discussion & questions

4:00pm End and return journey