


XPS Workshop 2023 - Registration open

You can now register for the XPS Workshop 2023 Read more


Workshop “Unconscious Bias” - Registration open

You can now register for the Workshop “Unconsious Bias” Read more


Guest lecture of former GS-EES member at POLiS Semiar

During the last POLiS Seminar, we had former member of the GS-EES - Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage, Dr. Kristina Pfeifer, as a guest lecturer. Read more


Industry Stay: Experiencing industry-specific knowledge first-hand

Today, we share insights from a GS-EES - Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage member who has swapped the 3-month research stay abroad with an industry stay at an internationally renowned… Read more


Research Stay Abroad: Sydney - a hub for exchange and forming new connections

Johanna Naumann is in the fourth year of her PhD and has recently returned from a research stay in Australia. We sat down with her to find out what she has experienced during that time and among other… Read more


Summer School 2023

The GS-EES Summer School 2023 has started Read more


Research Stay Abroad: Deepening knowledge in SECM and spectroscopy

To support international networking and cultural experience, Research Abroad – a three-month research stay at a foreign laboratory – is part of the GS-EES Core Program. Krishnaveni Palanisamy,… Read more


Research Stay Abroad: The Promise of Sodium-Ion Batteries

As part of the GS-EES Core Program, Julian Klemens and Ann-Kathrin Wurba have spent a three-month research stay at CIDETEC Energy Storage in Spain (Donostia-San Sebastián). During their research stay… Read more