Workshop "Knowledge & Technology Transfer" | 30th September 2024, Karlsruhe

As part of the POLiS Technology Transfer, we invite you together with KIT Innovation and Relations Management to a knowledge and technology transfer workshop at the Karlsruhe Research Factory. Please register by 23rd September 2024 by filling in the form below.

This workshop is open to POLiS affiliates and members of the GS-EES.

Date: 30th September 2024 from 1pm to 3:30pm. 
Location: Karlsruhe Research Factory, Rintheimer Querallee 2, 76131 Karlsruhe

The agenda features the following:

  • Technology Transfer at KIT
  • Tasks and Structures of KIT Innovation and Relations Management (IRM)
  • Ways of working with third parties
  • IP Management
  • Support for technology transfer
  • Questions & Discussion

Workshop Knowledge & Technology Transfer

Workshop Knowledge & Technology Transfer