Summer School 2024 successfully completed

We have successfully completed this year’s GS-EES Summer School, which took place from 23rd to 26th July 2024 at the beautiful Monbach valley. 

Out of the 39 participants, 33 GS-EES members joined the event. We are happy that we could additionally welcome 6 participants doing their doctorate all over Europe. This is a big gain for networking opportunities at the Summer School.

The lecture program was comprised of three scientific lectures on Battery Systems, Vibrational Spectroscopy in Battery Research and Batteries from the Perspective of Modern Electrochemistry and New Materials.

Additionally, there was also a mini-workshop on “Presentation Skill for Scientists” after which the participants could get direct feedback on their posters from the trainer.

A major part of the program was scientific exchange between the participants in forms of oral and poster presentations. Further opportunities to get to know each other and have fun together were the hike through the picturesque Monbach valley, the barbecue dinner and other spontaneous activities such as a game of beach volleyball or a visit to the spa in Bad Liebenzell.